Move fast, lift heavy, look good.
NEXTGEN hybrid
14-day Free trial - Cancel anytime.
“Build Muscle, Burn Fat, and
Unlock Elite Performance -
All in One Program!”
what to
Nextgen Hybrid: Stallion is an online group coaching program designed to help you Move Fast, Lift Heavy, and Look Good.
Get access to the expert coaching in a cost-effective way!
Join the program assisting others to reach peak performance and ultimate aesthetics.
5 days per week
2 x Strength/Hypertrophy.
2 x Running/Engine workouts.
1 Conditioning/sarcoplasm workout.
30-60 mins per session
Improving Strength & Size.
Focus on improving 5k run time.
Attain your peak aesthetics.
Designed to be performed in any gym.
workouts Straight
to your phone.
workout tracking through the nextgen hybrid/fitr app.
Direct messaging to our coaching team.
demonstration videos for all exercises.
workouts designed for any gym.
14-day Free Trial.
How much does it cost and am I tied in for a contract?
There is a 14-day free trial for all new members to experience the Nextgen Stallion Program, after which the cost is £24.99 per month. The member can cancel at any time through the app. There will be no refunds available.
Can I join at any time?
The program is periodised in 8-week blocks to ensure consistent progress, however, you can join at any time and follow the set workouts.
Does the ProgramMe Cater to all levels?
Nextgen Stallion is written to cater to all levels. Within the running programming there are 3 levels for which you can choose to follow: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.
Am i able to talk to a real human for any questions I have?
Within the app there is a chat function which will go direct to one of the expert coaches. We aim to respond within 24 hours.